West Wyalong Machinery Centre
CMC & FMC Introduce TORO

Toro turf maintenance equipment is now available at Forbes Machinery Centre & Cowra Machinery Centre.
Just in time for the TORO ‘Big Spring Clean’ with 0% interest across the range. FMC & CMC now offer the homeowner & professional ranges including self propelled push mowers and a wide range and sizes of zero turn mowers.
Toro is a leading provider in innovative turf and landscape solutions. Toro’s mowers are engineered to cut better, built with market leading durability, comfort & convenience.
Keep yard work simple, Toro’s walk power mowers which are packed with features to make your lawn more beautiful and mowing it more enjoyable. From powerful engines to the personal pace drive system that automatically adjusts to your walking speed.
Toro zero turn mowers are comfortable, allow easy-access to tight spaces and offer outstanding quality of cut along with the time savings of zero turn technology. When you choose a Toro, you know you’re getting a mower that’s built to last
You can count on Toro. Customise your mower. Legendary Performance.
Contact our teams at Forbes Machinery Centre & Cowra Machinery Centre to get a great deal across the Toro range.
Nothing beats a Toro.